Deal of the Day

Showing posts with label SQL CASE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SQL CASE. Show all posts

Saturday, 16 July 2011

SQL Query with CASE keyword


SQL CASE is a very unique conditional statement providing if/then/else logic for any ordinary SQL command. It then provides when-then-else functionality (WHEN this condition is met THEN do_this).
CASE can be used with both SELECT Clause and WHERE Clause
Select Name,DOB,
          When Substr( Digits( DOB ), 4, 2 ) = '01' Then 'JAN'
          When Substr( Digits( DOB ), 4, 2 ) = '02' Then 'FEB'
          When Substr( Digits( DOB ), 4, 2 ) = '03' Then 'MAR'
          When Substr( Digits( DOB ), 4, 2 ) = '04' Then 'APR'
          When Substr( Digits( DOB ), 4, 2 ) = '05' Then 'MAY'
          When Substr( Digits( DOB ), 4, 2 ) = '06' Then 'JUN'
          When Substr( Digits( DOB ), 4, 2 ) = '07' Then 'JUL'
          When Substr( Digits( DOB ), 4, 2 ) = '08' Then 'AUG'
          When Substr( Digits( DOB ), 4, 2 ) = '09' Then 'SEP'
          When Substr( Digits( DOB ), 4, 2 ) = '10' Then 'OCT'
          When Substr( Digits( DOB ), 4, 2 ) = '11' Then 'NOV'
          When Substr( Digits( DOB ), 4, 2 ) = '12' Then 'DEC'
        End , DeptMst.DeptManager
   From EmpData, DeptMst
Where DeptMst.Dept =
          When Substr( EMPID , 1, 1 ) = 'P' Then 'Purchase'
          When Substr( EMPID , 1, 1 ) = 'Q' Then 'Quality'
          Else ‘Sale’

The above query will provide data from Employee Data file and Department Master File. It will have 4 columns as Employee Name, Date of Birth, Month of Birth and Department Manager’s Name. The query gets department Id from first Character of Employee ID.

Do write me @ for any query or you can simply post comments below.

Happy Learning